
Song From Before - Fionnuala Sherry


《Songs From Before》—Song From Before

音乐人:Fionnuala Sherry(菲奥诺拉·莎莉)

唱片公司:Hearts Of Space



地区:Ireland 爱尔兰


1An Cuilfhíonn

2Our Wedding Day

3The Lark In The Clear Air

4The Norwegian Minstrel Boy

5The Crossing

6Song From Before

7The Gartan Mother's Lullaby

8The Last Rose

9The Procession

10My Lagan Love

Fionnuala Sherry专辑介绍:

在 Fionnuala Sherry 的个人首张专辑中,菲奥诺拉·雪莉处理了一些爱尔兰的古老旋律,但《Songs from Before》并不是一张传统专辑。事实上,雪莉重新想象了这些歌曲,把它们拉出爱尔兰的迷雾,慢慢地带出遥远的过去的低垂的云雾。“An Cuilfhíonn”,一般被叫做 The Coolin,定下的基调是地平线上的黑暗的、徘徊不去的乌云。鬼魂般的弦乐跟踪着雪莉的小提琴越过一半是宝思兰鼓一半是电子循环的沟渠。

 “An Cuilfhíonn”这首歌标志着这张专辑已不再是神秘园的专辑。在“神秘园”中,雪莉表演的是甜美的独奏,伴随着罗尔夫·勒夫兰的天鹅绒般光滑的配器,但在本张专辑中是更黑暗,更有内省意味的。雪莉做这个项目的时候把罗尔夫留在了家里,但是带去了另一个挪威人,Kjetil Bjerkestrand。他给这些被时间磨练的旋律加上了超现实和阴暗的材质。在“Our Wedding Day” (“She Moved Through the Faire.”)和“My Lagan Love”这样的熟悉调子偷偷接近你的时候,它们在电音的云雾中呈现想象般的形态。就绝大部分而言,Bjerkestrand避免了你对这种跨界的刻板印象。他回避了嘻哈音乐的轨迹和电子脉冲的策略,而着力于微妙改变的声音和朦胧的质感。当他不在制造氛围时,他就驾驭起“Riders on the Storm”般的钢琴和吉他的颤音,就像在“The Norwegian Minstrel Boy”中那样。只有他自己的曲子“The Crossing”彻底跨界到了沙发音乐的范畴。专辑里的另一个原创曲目是雪莉的“Song from Before”。它将巴厘岛木琴和日本筝的声音加入了轻快的五声音阶背景,而雪莉在上面和 Espen Leite 的怀旧的手风琴轮流演奏了浪漫的旋律。

怀旧的氛围给《Songs from Before》的大部分音乐着了色,这并不奇怪,因为它们都源自传统音乐。在“The Last Rose”中,你不需要沙沙作响的录音效果来告诉你这是古老的旋律,但是它与 Bjerkestrand 的现代配器形成了强烈对比。“The Last Rose”结合了循环的极简抽象派的打击乐和劈啪的弹拨声,那声音离爱尔兰很远,但雪莉的小提琴演奏从没有把传统音乐抛得太远。雪莉的《过去的歌谣》怎么说都是一张能够萦绕于心的专辑。它振作了遥远过去的灵魂,唤起了在父亲膝上聆听歌谣的童年记忆,以及对过去时光的思念,同时把这些声音放进了二十一世纪的现代音波中。

Fionnuala Sherry简介: 

Fionnuala grew up and went to school in Naas in County Kildare, Ireland- surrounded by a musical family that ignited her passion for music at an early age. She started to play the violin at the age of eight, and at fifteen she moved to Dublin to study music. She graduated with honours from Trinity College in Dublin, and the College of Music, and was later employed by the RTE Concert Orchestra, where she was a member for ten years.

In addition to the classical symphonic and operatic repertoire, Fionnuala possessed a much wider musical interest. This is evident in the eclectic body of artists and projects she has been involved with, including The Chieftains, Sinead O'Connor, Van Morrison, Chris de Burgh, Bono and Wet Wet Wet. With the Irish Film Orchestra she's also recorded several Hollywood film scores, such as "The River Runs Wild", "A room with a view" and "The Mask".

That same wide interest in music led her to conceive, write and present her own music series for children on Irish national TV - all this leading up to her fated meeting with Rolf Lovland and the founding of Secret Garden in 1994.

Onstage, she enchants audiences throughout the world, through her musical intensity and soulful performances. In Secret Garden's music, her unique violin virtuosity provides the heartstrings, voice and wings for Lovland’s compositions. 

She performs on an English John Edward Betts violin from 1790, with a Hill bow, both on stage and in the studio.(虾米音乐)

